Schneider Electric 2024 Project
Schneider Electric is a digital automation and energy management company. They use energy technologies, real-time automation, software, and services, to help monitor, energy usage in home, data centres, and industrial buildings.
The Schneider Electric Victoria office specializes in metering hardware, metering firmware, and energy management software, both on premise and in the cloud.

In Spring 2024, from January 22nd to April 8th, WEST is running a new project with Schneider Electric!
What is this project about?
From our social media, you may have noticed the project is centered around renewable energy and energy management communication. But what exactly will the project be about? The problem statement for our project is:
"How can Schneider Electric create hardware and software products that do more to educate users in how to do Energy Management and find savings opportunities to drive energy reduction and sustainable energy use?"
The problem statement is intentionally broad and has many different solutions.
What skills will I develop throughout this project?
From participating in this project, you'll have the opportunity to gain/further the following skills:
Project Management
Time Management
Engineering Research & Design
Hardware and Software Skills
Energy Management
What is the timeline of the project?
Starting January 22nd and ending in April, the project runs approximately for 3 months with workshops every week and has an approximate time commitment of 3-6 hours per week. There are three main deliverables that will be completed during the project: a proposal presentation, a progress presentation, and a pitch presentation. For all of these deliverables, groups will be lead through the process by WEST Project Coordinators and Schneider Electric.
What does participation in this project look like?
Everyone participating in this project has a few items they have committed too:
Attending the weekly sessions on Mondays from 8:00pm - 7:15pm PST in person at UVic
Submitting the three deliverables with their teammates
Attend the Project Showcase (date TBD) in April to pitch their solutions.
Attending a site visit
Collaborating with their teammates, Schneider Electric, WEST, and presenters outside of the workshops/session hours to complete their projects.
Project Eligibility:
Identify as a female, women or women+
Grade 11, Grade 12, 1st and 2nd year UVic undergraduate students.
Sign up is now closed. Please check back next semester for future projects!

We would like to thank each and every participant for their hard work and dedication. Please find the names of all participants below:
Karen Allen Olotu
Leigh Kowalchuk
Laura Fernandes
Livia de Azevedo Fernandes
Siena Lee-Tremblay
Clare Pastula
Jordyn Espenell
Harkiran Samra
Harshita Sankar
Ruth Jennings
Fernanda Ezquerra Silva
Qiangqing Zuo
Ellaine Sarah Leedham
Katie McDonnell
Ruby Que
Giovana Vasconcelos da Luz
Makayla Graham
Alice Zou
Annalize Loubser
Sara Mikayla Whitehouse
Laksanya Mor
Lina Yang
Jessica Purdy
Yasaman Rezapour
Noelle Davies
Olivia Choi
Amina Badawi
Khushi Sharma
Rashin Radaei
Bianca Nixdorf