Strategic Thermal Operation for Renewable Energy Project 2023
Fortis BC is the province's largest energy supplier. They proudly deliver renewable energy, natural gas and electricity to 1.2 million customers in 135 BC communities, and 58 First Nations communities across 150 Traditional Territories.
Fortis BC is dedicated to a low-carbon, renewable energy future, that can be seen reflected in their Clean Growth Path Way to 2050. They are working hard to support BC’s clean energy future with a range of energy solutions that includes harnessing power from our hydroelectric facilities, expanding our supply of renewable and low-carbon gases, and investing in innovative, energy-efficient technologies.

This semester (Fall 2023), we are running a new project with FortisBC called the FortisBC Strategic Thermal Operation for Renewable Energy (STORE) Project!
What is this project about?
From our social media, you may have noticed the project is centered around renewable energy and integrating renewable natural gas into the energy grid. But what exactly will the project be about? The problem statement for our project is:
"How can FortisBC use thermal storage to better align the supply and demand of renewable natural gas (RNG), ultimately integrating more RNG into the electricity grid?"
The problem statement is intentionally broad and has many different solutions.
What skills will I develop throughout this project?
From participating in this project, you'll have the opportunity to gain/further the following skills:
Project Management
Time Management
Engineering Research & Design
Energy System and Renewable Energy Knowledge
What is the timeline of the project?
Starting September 21st and ending in December, the project runs approximately for 3 months with workshops every week and has an approximate time commitment of 3-6 hours per week. There are four main deliverables that will be completed during the project: a proposal report, a progress presentation, a final report and a pitch presentation. For all of these deliverables, groups will be lead through the process by WEST Project Coordinators and Fortis BC.
What does participation in this project look like?
Everyone participating in this project has a few items they have committed too:
Attending the weekly sessions on Thursdays from 6:00pm - 7:15pm PST in person at UVic
Submitting the four deliverables with their teammates
Attend the Project Showcase (date TBD) in December to pitch their solutions.
Attending a site visit in October
Collaborating with their teammates, FortisBC, WEST, and presenters outside of the workshops/session hours to complete their projects.
Project Eligibility:
Identify as a female, women or women+
2nd, 3rd, and 4th year UVic undergraduate students.
Interested in Joining? Sign up Here!

Word from Our Partner

“Through this program, we were able to show participants how engineering projects are
developed and provide context to students who are early on in their studies. But engineering students are sharp – and through the whole process asked technical questions that kept me on my toes...In my two years of participation, the real magic was in seeing the participants from the first year become the leaders of the next. These leaders developed the program to fit the needs and skill gaps that they identified to prepare a stronger program for the next cohort. The students who volunteer for this level of responsibility while still in school are top candidates for EIT positions when they graduate."
- Joseph Broda, Renewable Gas Engineer, FortisBC
We would like to thank each and every participant for their hard work and dedication. Please find the names of all participants below:
Avry Bilodeau
Makayla Savege
Katelyn Munro
Panika Saxena
Sukhneet Dhaliwal
Lucia Palma Gonzalez
Emily Krauss
Rolla Elsayed
Tina Chen
Michelle Rosenthal
Stefanie Cutler
Harkiran Samra
Liesa Sileshi
Ashley Dali Osuna
Shweta Nagdev
Meghan Whyte
Parinaz Moazzezi
Juliana San Buenaventura
Amber Wyse
Sarah Larsen